Saturday, July 07, 2007

不 怕, 不 怕 - Bu pa, bu pa

Here is a link to a Chinese song that I came across by accident called Bu pa, bu pa. The original song called "Dragostea Din Tei" was a Romanian song by the band O-Zone. There have been a lot of versions of the song released in many different languages since the original release in 2003.

In recent times a Thailand version of the song has spawned a lip-synching craze on YouTube and become known as the "Numa Numa" song.

Anyway it's a fun song and the language is not too difficult so I decided to do a translation. I did have some help cleaning up my original translation though. My Mandarin is not yet that good and so I was a bit too literal in a few places.

不怕, 不怕 - Bu-pa, bu-pa
by 郭美美 - guo mei mei









HELLO ! 看 我! 你 在 害 怕 什 麼?
hello kan4 wo3, ni3 zai4 hai4 pa4 shen2 me5
Hello Look at me. Are you scared?

是 我 錯, 沒 能 夠 啊 … 把 自 己 變 得
shi4 wo3 cuo4 mei2 neng2 gou4 a5 ba3 zi4 ji3 bian4 de5 cheng2 shou2
Am I wrong? Can't get hold myself to become mature.

傷 口 那 麼 多 已 經 不 怕 再

shang1 kou3 na3 me5 duo1 yi3 jing1 bu4 pa4 zai4 tong4.
Wounded so much, already not afraid (to be) hurt again.

沒 什 麼
mei2 shen2 me5,
Not at all

轉 身 以 後 我 會 練 成 護
體 神 功!
zhuan3 shen1 yi3 hou4 wo3 hui4 lian4 cheng2 hu4 ti3 shen2 gong1
turn around afterwards I can practice(to) protect, body,
spirit, achievement !

看 見 蟑 螂 我 不 怕 不 怕 啦
kan4 jian4 zhang1 lang2 wo3 bu4 pa4 bu4 pa4 la5
See cockroach I'm not afraid not afraid

我 神 經 比 較 大 不 怕 不 怕 不 怕 啦
wo3 shen2 jing1 bi3 jiao4 da4 bu4 pa4 bu4 pa4 bu4 pa4 la5
My nerve(is) enormous, not afraid not afraid not afraid

膽 怯 只會 讓 自 己 更
憔 悴
dan3 qie4 zhi1 hui4 rang4 zi4 ji3 geng4 qiao2 cui4
Afraid can only let myself become more distressed

麻 痺 也 是 勇 敢 表 現
ma2 bi4 ye3 shi4 yong3 gan3 biao3 xian4
Numbness is also (a) brave performance

一 個 人 睡 也 不 怕 不 怕 啦
yi1 ge4 ren2 shui4 ye3 bu4 pa4 bu4 pa4 la5
One person sleeps and not afraid not afraid

勇 氣 當 棉 被 不 怕 不 怕
不 怕 啦
yong3 qi4 dang1 mian2 bei4 bu4 pa4 bu4 pa4 bu4 pa4 la5
Courage regard as(a) cotton quilt not afraid not afraid not afraid

夜 晚 再 黑 我 就 當 看 不 見

ye4 wan3 zai4 hei1 wo3 jiu4 dang1 kan4 bu4 jian4

Night is still dark. I only regard as can't see

太 陽 一 定 就 快 出 現

tai4 yang2 yi1 ding4 jiu4 kuai4 chu1 xian4
Sun, (can)certainly assume (will)soon appear

HELLO ! 看 我! 你 在 害 怕 什 麼?
hello kan4 wo3, ni3 zai4 hai4 pa4 shen2 me5
Hello Look at me. Are you scared?

是 我 錯, 沒 能 夠 啊 … 把 自 己 變 得
成 熟
shi4 wo3 cuo4 mei2 neng2 gou4 a5 ba3 zi4 ji3 bian4 de5 cheng2 shou2
Am I wrong? Can't get hold myself to become mature.

傷 口 那 麼 多 沒 地 方 可 以 再 受 傷

shang1 kou3 na3 me5 duo1 kou3 bai2 mei2 di4 fang1 ke3 yi3 zai4 shou4 shang1 le5
Wounded so much, is no place could still be hurt

沒 什 麼
mei2 shen2 me5,
Not at all

轉 身 以 後 我 會 練 成 護
體 神 功!
zhuan3 shen1 yi3 hou4 wo3 hui4 lian4 cheng2 hu4 ti3 shen2 gong1.
turn around afterwards I can practice(to) protect, body,
spirit, achievement !

看 見 蟑 螂 我 不 怕 不 怕 啦
kan4 jian4 zhang1 lang2 wo3 bu4 pa4 bu4 pa4 la5
See cockroach I'm not afraid not afraid

我 神 經 比 較 大 不 怕 不 怕 不 怕 啦
wo3 shen2 jing1 bi3 jiao4 da4 bu4 pa4 bu4 pa4 bu4 pa4 la5
My nerve(is) enormous, not afraid not afraid not afraid

膽 怯 只會 讓 自 己 更
憔 悴
dan3 qie4 zhi1 hui4 rang4 zi4 ji3 geng4 qiao2 cui4
Afraid can only let myself become more distressed

麻 痺 也 是 勇 敢 表 現
ma2 bi4 ye3 shi4 yong3 gan3 biao3 xian4
Numbness is also (a) brave performance

一 個 人 睡 也 不 怕 不 怕 啦
yi1 ge4 ren2 shui4 ye3 bu4 pa4 bu4 pa4 la5
One person sleeps and not afraid not afraid

勇 氣 當 棉 被 不 怕 不 怕
不 怕 啦
yong3 qi4 dang1 mian2 bei4 bu4 pa4 bu4 pa4 bu4 pa4 la5
Courage regard as(a) cotton quilt not afraid not afraid not afraid

夜 晚 再 黑 我 就 當 看 不 見

ye4 wan3 zai4 hei1 wo3 jiu4 dang1 kan4 bu4 jian4

Night is still dark. I only regard as can't see

太 陽 一 定 就 快 出 現

tai4 yang2 yi1 ding4 jiu4 kuai4 chu1 xian4
Sun, (can)certainly assume (will)soon appear


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